98 research outputs found

    Contribution to the geomorphologic knowledge of sa Dragonera islet (Balearic Islands, western Mediterranean)

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    Inventari quantitatiu de les costes rocoses de Mallorca

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    En aquest treball es descriuen les principals característiques de les costes rocoses de Mallorca d'acord amb la seva forma, altura i litologia. La longitud total de la línia de costa de Mallorca s'ha establert en 626 km, aquesta longitud no comprèn els illots propers ni les estructures artificials construïdes a l'interior dels ports i clubs nàutics. Les costes rocoses són el 81 % del total de la costa de Mallorca, les costes formades per materials no consolidats suposen el 9% i les línies de costa modificades per l'home el 10%. La disposició i forma de les costes guarden una estreta relació amb les unitats de relleu a la qual pertanyen, per aquest motiu, s'han analitzat les característiques de les costes rocoses que conformen els litorals de la Serra de Tramuntana, Serres de Llevant, relleus tabulars postorogènics i de les conques postorogèniques.In this work there are described the principal characteristics of the rocky coasts of Mallorca of agreement with its form, height and lito logy. The total length of the Mallorca coastline has been established in 626 km, this extension includes neither the nearby islands nor the man-made structures constructed inside ports and marinas. Rock coasts ocupy 81 % of the whole of the coast of Mallorca, the coasts formed by unconsolidated materials there suppose 9% and the lines of coast modified by the man 10%. The disposition and the form of the coasts have a narrow relationship with the unit of relief to wich they belong, for this reason, there have been analyzed the characteristics of the rocky coasts developed on Serra de Tramuntana, Serres de Llevant, tabular post-orogenic platforms and post-orogenic basins

    La prostitució no regulada a Palma de Mallorca: distribució de l'oferta als domicilis particulars

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    L’estudi de la prostitució a la ciutat de Palma de Mallorca ha sigut tractada des de diferents enfocaments i punts de vista, molts d’ells des d’una perspectiva sociològica. En aquest treball es tracta l’enfocament geogràfic a partir de l’estudi de la distribució dels domicilis particulars a on s’oferta la prostitució tant sia per part de dones, homes, homosexuals o transvestits. La font d’informació utilitzada ha sigut la secció d’anuncis classificats del diari de més tirada de les Illes Balears, a partir del recull de les direccions dels anuncis corresponents a les seccions de massatges, relax i personals s’ha procedit a la realització d’una cartografia temàtica per a cada un dels tipus de prostitució. S’observa una elevada proporció de prostitució femenina respecte les altres tipologies així com més tendència per part de la prostitució transvestida, masculina i homosexual a localitzar-se en el centre de Palm

    Recreational boaters support the use of mooring buoys to reduce anchor damage to Posidonia oceanica (L.) Delile meadows

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    Recreational boating is an important economic activity in the Mediterranean Sea that often leads to disturbance by anchoring of Posidonia oceanica meadows, an endemic seagrass that is a critical component of shallow coastal ecosystems. A selfadministered survey of recreational boaters that anchor in a popular mooring site (Cala Blava) in the coast of Mallorca (Balearic Islands, Western Mediterranean) was carried out during the summer season of 2011 to assess their preferences regarding the number of boats anchoring at the cove and the distance between them, their willingness to pay for the use of mooring buoys and their perception of the negative effects that recreational boating may have on the marine environment. Four hundred and twenty five surveys were obtained over a period of 23 days (11 weekend days, 14 week days) with a response rate of 95 %. The number of boats anchored was higher during weekends (30 ± 13 boats) than during the rest of the week (15 ± 5 boats). Most of the respondents considered that both the number of anchored boats and distance between them were adequate, and they were satisfied with their visit to Cala Blava. Anchor damage was identified as the main impact caused in the marine environment by recreational boating. Support for the use of mooring buoys was high (72 %) and 58 % of boaters were willing to pay a fee for buoy use. The most widely accepted fee was 5 Euros per day of use. These results suggest that the public is well aware of the damage caused by anchoring on P. oceanica meadows and that environmental regulation that would reduce this harm through the use of mooring buoys would have wide support from the main users, who would be even willing to pay for the service. This is a bright prospect for the conservation of this valuable and fragile coastal ecosystem

    Freqüència, magnitud i escala en la morfodinàmica de les costes rocoses: observacions a s'Alavern (S de Mallorca, Mediterrània occidental)

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    S'avalua la magnitud dels processos erosius que actuen sobre els penya-segats carbonatats de s'Alavern (Sud de Mallorca) alhora que es detallen les seves components temporals i d'escala. Així el debat actual en geomorfologia litoral sobre la preponderància dels agents marins (acció hidràulica i mecànica) sobre els subaeris a d'alteració a viceversa (alteració física-química-biològica i moviment de masses) queda condicionat per l'escala temporal i l'efecte sobre el relleu. Mentre que a s'Alavem les taxes de denudació globals són de l'ordre de 0,004 a 0,310, les taxes de bioerosió per a les comunitats de gasteròpodes de Melaraphe neritoides i per al conjunt de pegellides -majoritàriament Patella rustica- són de 0,007 i 0,369. Els texts d'exposició aboquen taxes d'erosió on no hi participa l'abrasió entre 0,l8 i 0,50 en funció de la posició respecte a la línia de costa. Les taxes de disgregació granular de la façana del penya-segat de s' Alavern són de l'ordre de 0,117 amb una evident relació amb els episodis de pluges intenses i forts vents. Els moviments de masses han implicat la caiguda de fragments del penya-segat suposa volums d'esbaldregalls al voltant de 40 m', mentre que el trencament de fragments de la plataforma varia de 0,86 m' a 10m'. Tot plegat ens ajuda a construir un vector negatiu a un gràfic on contrastam la freqüència (escala temporal) i la magnitud (escala de volum) de retrocés de la costa rocosa, tot posant de manifest que el debat dels agents a processos marins VS. l'alteració és un artefacte que depèn únicament i exclusiva de l'escala d'anàlisi i de la posició dels investigadors en la sistematització de les seves observacions. A la vegada el vector que relaciona freqüència i magnitud ens planteja l'escenari òptim per relacionar els estudis de morfodinàmica de les costes rocoses amb les aproximacions de tipus evolutiu.The goal of this paper is to assess the role of erosion processes at s'Alavern sea cliffs pointing up the temporal and scale components of erosian rates. Thus the current debat concerning with the main role of wave processes (hydraulic and mechanic action) vs. subaerial and weathering (physical, chemical and biological weathering and mass movements) is overtrhusted by the analysis of the temporal and influence on landform of each process. At s' Alvavern denudation rates obtained through laser scanner and MEM range from 0.004 to 0.310, bioerosion mean rates by small snails (Melaraphe neritoides) or limpets (mainly Patella rustica) are respectively of O.007 and 0.369. On the other hand, exposition tests offer erosion rates from 0.18 to 0.50 according to their position across the shore platform. Sediment traps inform us about granular disintegration close to 0.117 triggered by rainfall episodes, seabrezees and winds. Finally, mass movement can imply from cliffwall falls of40 m'to shore rock platform fragments detachment of 0.86 to 10m'. All these erosion rates represented in a frequency vs. magnitude graph help to build a negative vector that point up that the debate on the main role of marine vs. subaerial processes is an artefact because much of the arguments of authors correspond to their position on temporal and spatial scale analysis. Also this vector, relating frequency and magnitude, can help rock coast geomorphologists to link the morphodynamical approach to the evolution approach to the rock coast

    Food aroma mass transport properties in renewable hydrophilic polymers

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    [EN] The sorption and transport properties of gliadin and chitosan films with respect to four representative food aroma components (ethyl caproate, 1-hexanol, 2-nonanone and α-pinene) have been studied under dry and wet environmental conditions. The partition coefficients (K) of the selected volatiles were also obtained using isooctane and soybean oil as fatty food simulants. The results showed that gliadin and chitosan films have very low capacities for the sorption of volatile compounds, and these capacities are influenced by the nature of the sorbate, the environmental relative humidity and the presence of glycerol as a plasticizer in the polymeric matrix. The volatile compounds also present a low partitioning in the biopolymer film/food stimulant system. Given the low levels of interaction observed with the volatiles, gliadin and chitosan films are of potential interest for the packaging of foods in which aroma is one of the most important quality attributes Highlights ► Sorption kinetics and equilibrium partitioning of food aroma compounds in bioplastics. ► Gliadin and chitosan films show low sorption and partitioning capacities of food aroma compounds. ► Sorption and diffusion depend on volatile chemical structure, film composition and moisture. ► Great potential in packaging of foods in which aroma is an important quality attribute.This research has been supported from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation through the Projects AGL2006-02176, AGL2009-08776 and FUN-C-FOOD Consolider Ingenio. The authors would like to thank A.P. Mac Cabe for critical reading of the manuscript.Balaguer, MP.; Gavara Clemente, R.; Hernández Muñoz, P. (2012). Food aroma mass transport properties in renewable hydrophilic polymers. Food Chemistry. 130(4):814-820. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foodchem.2011.07.052S814820130

    El litoral de Mallorca: síntesis geomórfica

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